
4 October 2022

Working in teams is a priority within the company.

The ability to work in synergy and teamwork are one of the pillars of modern business organization and the main lever for competitiveness.

ILT Team was born from the need to unite ILT Energia and ILT Tecnologie to convey their values to the work team in a single message of unity and sharing.

In addition to our technical capabilities, intrinsic to the service or product we offer, we add perceived quality: what really makes the difference is our added value, and one of the main vectors of perceived quality is our corporate image.

Workwear, uniforms, are an effective communication and branding tool by transforming an item of clothing into a recognizable icon that identifies corporate values.

Here, then, that unconsciously the added value of a company also comes through the care it puts into its image, creating an organic communication.

What about you, what do you think in the new clothing?


6 July 2022

ILT Tecnologie has a wealth of experience in manufacturing, assembly and instrumenting high-fidelity prototypes.

In 2014, ILT Tecnologie has been part of a consortium formed by major key industrial and academic players in the Energy market to collaborate in the S-TECH project (Smart Turbine TECHnology). The S-TECH project consisted in design and manufacturing a test rig that aims at advancing the state of the art of the technologies used in turbomachinery for energy generation, in order to improve flexibility and efficiency with very low emissions.

S-TECH rig is a modular 6 mt long test rig and it is made of by four main parts; an inlet casing, allowing combustion air to enter the combustion chamber, a flame tube, which is tube containing the combustion flame, an acustic duct, which it is about 2.5mt long pipe used for acoustic characterization, and exhaust duct used to cool the temperature of the exhaust flow down and a throttle valve to manage the exhaust flow pressure.

The S- TECH key functionalities are:

  • Provide the end-user with a detailed characteristics of the high-pressure combustion in terms of velocity, temperature and chemical reaction involved in the process
  • Optical and thermoacustic measurements varyng the length of the combustor by adjusting the piston longitudinal position in the Acustic duct, in order to satisfy the required testing frequencies

The S-TECH Acustic duct boasts of several optical windows and instrumentation accesses to allow different types of optical variables to be measured such as Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) allowing a qualitative measurements of the main flame markers, Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) for temperature measurements, and Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (Stereo-PIV) for velocity field measurements.

Stay tuned more engineering articles.


11 June 2021

Dopo aver sostenuto le campagne vaccinali ad Aprile contribuendo alla realizzazione dell’ HUB di Pontedera, oggi ILT dà l’opportunità di vaccinare i propri dipendenti grazie alla partecipazione di Unione Industriale Pisana (Uip) e il Comitato di Pisa della Croce Rossa Italiana.

Consapevoli che l’unica soluzione a questo problema possa arrivare solo attraverso la vaccinazione di massa, il gruppo ILT ha accolto la richiesta di collaborazione con l’Uip per procedere alla vaccinazione del personale. La vaccinazione è volontaria e rappresenta un’opportunità aggiuntiva rispetto alle modalità ordinarie dell’offerta vaccinale con la differenza che non sarà necessario seguire il criterio di età ma si potrà procedere senza alcuna distinzione.

Questa iniziativa rafforzerà la sicurezza dei dipendenti che, durante tutto il periodo di lockdown e per i mesi successivi, hanno continuato a lavorare ininterrottamente permettendo all’impresa di non perdere produttività. 

L’azienda vuole ringraziare chi aderirà a questa iniziativa poiché ritiene importante garantire la sicurezza dei lavoratori e delle persone a loro care.